What is the impact of pneumonia on small and medium-sized textile companies?

Like other industries, cotton spinning enterprises also face delays in starting operations, production processes and changes in order, and the entire production and marketing plan needs to be readjusted. In most cotton spinning enterprises in central and northern Jiangsu, the planned resumption time at the beginning of the year varies depending on the enterprise and is appropriate due to the order. The earliest color spinning mill such as Yancheng Dafeng plans to start full shifts on the fourth day of the new year. Delayed, the original supply and demand plan was also communicated and understood with customers during the New Year. Judging from the epidemic prevention plans formulated by the provinces and cities, there are many factors restricting the return of workers from different places to work, coupled with the clear requirements and strict inspections on the on-site management and control of intensive enterprises in various places, it is a common phenomenon to delay the arrival of workers from other places. In the production process and order, most enterprises are also affected. The pre-holiday and post-holiday start and post-holiday shifts cannot be completed, and the entire operating process order must be re-organized after the epidemic has eased. Nantong, Jiangsu uses more workers in the textile industry in other places, and does not return to work for a long time in different places. Employees will choose high-paying companies in different places to work in the same position in a variety of information exchanges, or choose a new job near their hometown, so there is a loss of employee resources. Hidden danger. Gu Mou, Dafeng Street, Dafeng, Jiangsu, originally stopped a car at a textile company in Taizhou, Jiangsu. Recently, he assigned a friend to chat with a friend on his mobile phone. As a result, he was familiar with the type of work at a local private textile company, although the salary was reduced by one or two per month compared to the factory in Taizhou. Hundred yuan, but because she was close to home, she still returned to the company where she went to work on the fourth day and decided to work in a nearby textile mill. The former colleague of Gumou Taizhou factory smiled bitterly at the author, all of which were caused by the "epidemic". If Gumou went to work from the third to the fourth of the factory, he would not "stay away from work". During the interview, many company chief friends told the informant that the long holiday arrangements caused by the emergence of the pneumonia epidemic had an impact on the factories of various industrial companies. Cotton spinning enterprises, especially the processing-intensive small and medium-sized multi-structure textile enterprises in northern Jiangsu and central Jiangsu, mostly provide support to large textile and apparel and bedding manufacturers in Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Fujian, and Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Normally, they are maintained by order and delivery time nodes, and they operate tacitly with each other. Some have cooperated with each other for many years. Usually, they rarely "drop the chain." Some operating models follow the "old routine". Years do not change. " However, it is still unknown at this time that the start of construction is delayed. As soon as the two parties go to work, the first step is to start the supply and marketing of the production and supply products before driving. Of course, this must be in a state where the entire upstream and downstream are fully connected. If there is a problem in a certain stage of production and marketing, the operation process will be re-arranged. As for the market situation and product production and sales flow, the company believes that it is temporarily unpredictable, but there must be changes, but the market is unpredictable, and everyone is watching and expecting.