External defense, internal non-proliferation, and resolutely stop the spread of the epidemic

Enterprises should implement the main responsibility and carry out checklist management. For those who concentrate food and accommodation in the enterprise, implement the responsibility of the main body of internal management, implement closed management, identify the responsible person, and do daily killing, temperature measurement, and education and guidance; for those who live outside the enterprise, implement the responsibility of the main body of external management. Communities do a good job of preventing and controlling epidemics for employees after work. Before starting work and resuming work, enterprises should conduct advance investigations to understand the basics of the return trajectory or new recruits' activity trajectory, health status, and co-residents, and register them one by one to establish health files. The resumption enterprises should organize employees to return to work and commute in an organized way through chartered cars, self-driving, etc .; educate employees to consciously abide by relevant prevention and control regulations, and effectively do production and operation during epidemic prevention and control.