Analysis of Domestic Price Index of Dieshiqiao Home Textiles in the Second Week of January 2019

This week, the domestic sales price index of Dieshiqiao home textiles products fell slightly. Due to the recent sluggish market sentiment, the traditional decoration season ushered in the market, many merchants have begun to transform the facade. Although the recent market has sporadic shipments, the shipments are significantly lower than the previous period, mainly based on small-volume inventory. Recently, the sales of large-sized bedding products mainly based on weddings have risen slightly, mainly due to the tradition of China. During the Spring Festival, there are more marriages and market demand is booming. Therefore, it can be seen that this week's large-scale domestic sales price index has a significant increase. Due to the continuous rainy weather, the retail market is still relatively low.

According to the monitoring data of Dieshiqiao Home Textiles Index, the domestic price index of home textiles finished products closed at 93.83 points in the second week of January 2019, down 0.03% from the previous month. The small set closed at 97.82 points this week, down 0.04% from the previous month; the large set closed at 101.39 points this week, up 0.03% from the previous month; the quilt closed at 93.67 points this week, down 0.04% from the previous month; the winter core was closed this week. At 101.20 points, the chain fell by 0.05%; the blanket closed at 94.46 points this week, down 0.02% from the previous month.

Near the end of the year, market demand has weakened. It is expected that the domestic price index of Dieshiqiao home textile products will be mainly down by shocks next week.