Analysis of Domestic Price Index of Dieshiqiao Home Textiles in the First Week of March 2019

This week, the price index of domestic products of Dieshiqiao home textiles has picked up. With the full opening of the market, demand has shown a steady growth trend. Foreign wholesalers can be seen everywhere in the market. They often enter the store to make purchases for bedding products. Among them, kits and bedding products have been in frequent market this week. Due to the launch of new products in spring and summer, sales of Tencel bedding products have steadily increased in the market. With the departure of winter, the sales of warm-up bedding products in the market continued to be in a downturn. Among them, winter core bedding products are in the stage of changing seasons, and the domestic sales price index is inevitable.

According to the monitoring data of Dieshiqiao Home Textiles Index, the domestic price index of home textiles finished products closed at 93.01 points in the first week of March 2019, up 0.13% from the previous month. The small set closed at 97.36 points this week, up 0.29% from the previous month; the large set closed at 101.41 points this week, up 0.25% from the previous month; the quilt closed at 92.92 points this week, up 0.19% from the previous month; the winter core was closed this week. At 99.86 points, the chain fell by 0.21%; the blanket closed at 93.24 points this week, down 0.21% from the previous month.

Taking into account the listing of summer cool products, it is bound to bring stable sales to the market, so it can be predicted that the domestic price index of Dieshiqiao home textile products will still rise above the next week.