Analysis of Domestic Price Index of Dieshiqiao Home Textiles in the First Week of December 2018

This week, the domestic price index of the products of Dieshiqiao home textiles showed a slight upward trend. Under the continuous rainy weather and cold air, the number of individual passengers in the market has been significantly reduced. Occasionally, a small number of FITs come to the market for retail purchases. The bulk customers are mainly consumers in the surrounding areas of Dieshiqiao. Foreign secondary wholesalers have recently actively replenished goods, and the inventory pressures of various places have slowed down. They have come to the market to make small-lot replenishment activities. Among them, the kit-type bedding products have become the main products for sale, and the warm-up blanket products have received more attention, and the market has a considerable volume.

According to the monitoring data of Dieshiqiao Home Textile Index, the domestic price index of home textiles finished products closed at 93.83 points in the first week of December 2018, up 0.04% from the previous month. The small set closed at 97.83 points this week, up 0.05% from the previous month; the large set closed at 101.33 points this week, up 0.04% from the previous month; the quilt closed at 93.73 points this week, down 0.02% from the previous month; the winter core was closed this week. At 101.23 points, the chain fell by 0.02%; the blanket closed at 94.41 points this week, up 0.05% from the previous month.

Recently, all localities have cooled down and snowfall, and the demand for warm bedding products has continued to increase. It is predicted that the domestic price index of Dieshiqiao home textile products will continue to rise next week.